Thursday, 19 December 2013


     Time flies quickly, I have been studying at UKM for 4 months already. From trying to adapt with new environment, trying to accustom the new life here, trying to meet new friends, trying to accustom the busy life at university, trying and trying.... That is still a lot of thing I need to try to do.

     First time entering the Computer Application class, feeling strange and fear because I met a strict lecturer. I had tried to change to another set and escape from this class. But, finally I was forced to meet with this horrible lecturer named Sir. Azzwan.

    But, what I imagine before was an imagination. This lecturer could be said totally different if compared to other lecturers who are just focus on his/her tutorial. In this class, he always bring a lot of fun and laughter to his students. Besides, as a lecturer he also teach student apart from academic part such as telling us the reasons as a human being. I think I had entered correct class already!

    Once upon a time, he cried during the class after he was informed that he will continue his further studies at Australia and he was seems reluctant to put down the burden and continue his further studies. We were touch at the moment.

     Sir Azzwan always like to say "What the..."  and talk about 18++ aged above joke! He always think that what he say no one knows, actually I know what 18SX you talk to us! Unconsciously, I have been infected by his mantra. "What the...".

     Sir Azzwan is a responsible lecturer who teaches us with his real heart and always expect us to master the basic and useful software such as Mircosoft Office. Honestly, I never ever use the Microsoft Access but it can be said that I have known the basic of using Access after the tutorial from our lovely lecturer - Sir. Azzwan.

     Thank you so much Sir Azzwan.

Sesi Pembentangan

     Sesi pembentangan telah dijalankan pada minggu lepas. Kali itu boleh dikira kali pertama saya memakai pakaian formal untuk pembentangan. Hari itu, saya sebenarnya sangat tegang tapi berlakon macam mantap kerana perlu berhadapan dengan Sir. Azzwan yang begitu tegas. Cakap benarlah, pensyarah saya ini banyak cakap tetapi beliau mampu membawa kegembiraan kepada kami semua.

     Semasa sampai ke bahagian tonton video pendek, terdapat satu bahagian yang lucu daripada video kami telah mengetawakan para penonton. Masa itu, saya berasa amat gembira kerana perancangan saya telah berjaya dipersembahkan.

     Sampailah sesi kritik daripada pensyarah kami, apa komen daripada pensyarah kepada kumpulan kami adalah jelas, pendek dan senang difahami tetapi komen yang tidak baik iaitu kesalahan yang kerap dilakukan oleh setiap kumpulan - bahasa laras yang menggunakan bahasa rojak. Itu disebabkan oleh ia telah menjadi satu tabiat kepada kami semua.

    Sesi pembentangan ini dilangsungkan tujuan untuk memupuk dan mengukuhkan  keyakinan dan kepercayaan diri bagi setiap pembentang semasa berhadapan dengan audiens yang begitu ramai. Selain itu, semangat kerjasama antara ahli kumpulan semasa menyediakan bahan pembentangan juga adalah salah satu tujuan supaya kami dapat bekerjasama sesama ahli tanpa mengira kaum yang selaras dengan konsep 1 Malaysia.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Music Camp- Song Composing

    I were attending an events named "Let's It Fun" at Port Dikson with 2 days 1 night event start from yesterday and just back to University. We were very tired but very enjoy the event. Time flies quickly, I felt 2 days 1 night is not enough to us, but 3 days 2 night!

     The motives of the music camp is to create a music culture among the participants, relax us before sitting for the final exam and create a bonding among committees for the purpose of making us to pay the commitment to the New Tune Music Workshop. Besides, competition among group by composing song is another one of the objective of this event to look for the new style theme song. We were under guided by the seniors for leading us to create a new song. During "Senior Talk Session", they were telling us how to create a song like looking for an inspiration, looking for the melody through tempo brainstorm, writing a good lyric and song.

     In order to meet with the main purpose of this event, BBQ and Fire Camp are the activities to relax us by the way to look for the inspiration too. After the Fire Camp, that was 12.00a.m. and we actually suppose going to sleep. But, the activity continues with the "Song Composing Session", what a crazy nightmare to me! Let think it on another angle, that will be a unforgettable night to us too because that is my first time to compose a song with the team mate!

     Although this event made us tired, what we have learnt from this music camp is an extra-knowledge to us. It might be an advantage to us if compared to others. We deserve it!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

A Person- Robert Kuok

Robert Kuok has been the richest man in South East Asia since 2002. He is in the sugar business. Kuok's father arrived in Malaya from Fujian, China at the beginning of the 20th century, and Robert was the youngest of three brothers, born on 6 October 1923, in Johor Bahru. He claims he began in business as an office boy, and later started a business with relatives' support. In fact, upon graduation, he worked in the grains department of Japanese industrial conglomerate Mitsubishi between 1942 and 1945.
Kuok senior died in 1948, and Kuok and his two brothers founded Kuok Brothers Sdn Bhd in 1949, trading agricultural commodities. Under the new post-colonial government, Kuok started in the sugar business alongside the government. In 1961, he made a coup by buying cheap sugar from India before the prices shot up. He continued to invest heavily in sugar refineries, controlled 80% of the Malaysian sugar market with production of 1.5 million tonnes, equivalent to 10% of world production, and so earned his nickname "Sugar King of Asia".

In 1971, he built the first Shangri-La Hotel, in Singapore. His first foray into Hong Kong property was in 1977, when he acquired a plot of land on the newly reclaimed Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront, where he built the second hotel, the Kowloon Shangri-La. In 1993, his Kerry Group acquired a 34.9% stake in the South China Morning Post from Murdoch's News Corporation.

His companies have investments in many countries, including Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Mainland China, Indonesia, Fiji and Australia. Businesses in China include 10 bottling companies for Coca Cola, and ownership of the Beijing World Trade Centre.

Freight interests include Malaysian Bulk Carriers Berhad and Transmile Group.
His political influence is attested by his having been selected as one of the advisors on Hong Kong's future in the runup to the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong, and his minority stake in CITIC Pacific. He was also instrumental in conveying information and setting up the meetings between Malaysia and China governments leading to full diplomatic cross recognition of the two countries.

On 31 October 2009, PPB Group under the flagship of Robert Kuok issued a statement to the Bursa Malaysia that it has decided to dispose of its sugar units along with land used to cultivate sugar cane for RM 1.29 billion to FELDA. The sales resulted in a one-off gain for the company. The sugar unit and sugar cane plantation were the second largest business segment upon its grain and feed which were topping the sales.

Quotes from Li Ka Shing

42 Life Lessons and Business Quotes from Li Ka Shing

1. I was facing life for the first time. I was 12 years old, but I felt like a 20 year old. I knew then what life was.
2. This was actually a more difficult job, but the prospects were better. I was confident about the bright prospects of the plastics industry and I told my boss that I would like to start my own business. I already knew a lot about the plastics business, including the technology, the market and sales.
3. The first year, as I didn’t have much capital, I did everything myself, which kept my overhead low.
4. Buying land is not like buying antique. It is not the only deal available.
5. Despite my achievements, I can still remember poverty. I told my children and grandchildren that ‘The fruit that you eat will never taste as beautiful as the fruit that I ate during the turmoil of war. You will never cherish it as much as I do.’
6. I am very prudent financially because of those hard times I went through. I spent nothing. I had a haircut every three months. I shaved my head like a monk.
7. I needed to save every penny…I needed to be strong, and needed to find some way to secure a future. That’s why I am always conservative. I never forget to maintain stability while advancing, and I never forget to advance while maintaining stability.
8. But how many times have you heard that Cheung Kong’s finances were in trouble over the last fifty years? Never; the reason is, we are always prepared for the worst. That is my policy.
9. I wasn’t lucky. I worked hard to achieve the goals I set for myself.
10. Vision is perhaps our greatest strength. It has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thought through the centuries; it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown.
11. I had a clear intention of taking over one of these companies with underperforming assets and developing it into a multinational corporation.
12. I bought land with my own cash. If somebody invites me to be a partner, and I take only 15% to 20% as a minority stakeholder, they would perhaps get a loan from the bank. But I had no personal debt. At that time, when Cheung Kong went public in 1972, the company had almost no debt. Even if the company had to borrow from the bank, we would have alternative arrangements, such as buying government bonds equivalent to the bank loan amount, to ensure that we can readily cash out at anytime. The interest income would continue to accumulate, while interest expense on the loan would be repaid monthly. So you see; our corporate finance is very conservative and prudent.
13. You can believe in Fung Shui if you want, but ultimately people control their own fate. The most important thing is to improve yourself and give it your best. Then many things previously thought to be impossible will become possible.
14. Broaden your vision, and maintain stability while advancing forward. That is my philosophy.
15. Times were really tough in the beginning. When I started my business in 1950, I only had HK$50,000, so I was in a tight spot financially. I already had some work experience, but I had an advantage in competing with other companies. I was willing to learn the latest industry trends.
16. Businessmen must move with the times…the correlation between knowledge and business as the key to success is closer than ever.
17. I was already keeping an eye on the political developments within china, and I also had a firm grasp on economics, industry, management and the latest development and productions of the plastics industry. Not many people in Hong Kong at that time were aware of the potential. It was still quite new.
18. You must know and understand your business like the back of your hand. Otherwise, your company would be here today, gone tomorrow.
19. Reputation is the key to success. You have to be loyal to your customers.
20. I was once an employee myself, so I know what employees want.
21. I have set boundaries for myself. There are certain business I won’t get into…This is my principle and I will stick to it.
22. In the Han Dynasty, Xiang Yu was very brave and won many battles, but in the end he failed. Treat people with sincerity and build a good organization. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter how famous or how capable you are.
23. If you think, then you will be prepared. If you are prepared, then you will have no worries.
24. Before the Asian financial crisis stuck, the signs of a bubble economy were already glaring.
25. I wake up every day just before 6:00 am and exercise and play golf for an hour and a half. I insist on reading before I go to bed at night. I am still energetic during the day. Your energy comes from being interested in your work.
26. The more you know, the more prepared you will be when opportunity knocks. If you are lazy and wile your time away, you would not know how to take advantage of opportunities even if they stared you in the face.
27. I want to build a corporation that not only the Chinese are proud of, but that even foreigners are impressed with.
28. If you have done your best to make meaningful contributions, when it is time for you to go, all you will feel is a little tired, just like when the sun sets you need to take a rest. I just hope that I lead a full life.
29. I was very careful. I had no debt (actually, I was not qualified for a bank loan at the time), but I knew my company’s finances like the back of my hand, and I could answer any question that anybody asked.
30. The first year, as I didn’t have much capital, I did everything by myself, including the first set of account books. I needed to go the Inland Revenue Department, and I asked my auditor if my accounts were correct, since I had no experience doing accounting. He said that it was complete and that I could take this to the government. I had no experience, but I learned by reading books on accounting. When you want to understand the balance sheet, you needed to know a little bit about accounting. I did so many things by myself, which kept my overhead low. I have made a profit every year since 1950. I have never lost a penny in any year.
31. My father had tuberculosis, which was as devastating a disease as cancer is today. If you were rich and could afford proper care, you might have a better chance. We had no choice.
32. On New Year’s Day, the boss announced that the bonus that year would be based on sales. At the end of the year, my sales figure was seven times higher than the second best. If they paid my bonus based on my sales, my bonus would have been higher than the general manager’s. The other salesmen were already jealous. So I said to my boss, “Just pay me the same as the second best salesman; it would make everyone happy.” As a result, I became a manager when I was 17 going on 18.
33. During my father’s time, our family finances were deteriorating. My uncles did not make any contribution to the family after they came back from Tokyo. I always had a fighting heart. I only had a small amount of capital when I started my own business. That’s why I am always conservative. I never forget to maintain stability while advancing, and I never forget to advance while maintaining stability. Stability and advancement must always be in balance.
34. Our principal policy is never to take financial risk.
35. You have to prepare for the worst-case scenario. If nobody buys your property, can you support your debt? For 56 years, especially after we went public, Cheung Kong has never had any financial problems.
36. Doing business may be tough, but I am willing to learn, to innovate, and to work hard, which are the reasons why my business can continue to grow. We focus on our core competencies while looking for new areas for expansion. New businesses sometimes fail, and sometimes succeed. But the ones that succeed can be very profitable. This has been my experience. Setbacks and difficulties are ways to build character.
37. First of all, I am an optimist. When you study hard and work hard, your knowledge grows, and it gives you confidence. The more you know, the more confidence you gain. When I was 10 years old, I lost my schooling, but I still had plenty of hope to return to school.
38. I have worked hard to establish my business over the past decades, and now we are seeing the fruits of our labor. Not only is my group reaping the benefits, I am also able to make greater contributions to worthy causes.
39. The most challenging issue raised by globalization is how we can all get along with each other in our race against time. Corporate leaders must possess far-sighted vision, detailed action plans, macro-thinking, and a global outlook. To get ahead in the race, they must also possess a deep understanding of their own organization and that of their competitors.
40. I would like to do more meaningful deeds. I don’t care how much money or how much energy it takes. I have very simple needs. With the blessings that I have received, I have no need for more wealth. But if I can do more for mankind, for our people, and for our country, I would be more than happy to do so.
41. Well, I have my own definition for the term “retirement”. Life was extremely hard when I was young; today working without the burden of pressure to me is the same as the luxury of retirement. These few years, our Group has embarked on some new projects and is in exciting times. We plan all our projects meticulously. Our work is certainly challenging, but we are not under any pressure except for the pressure to outperform.
42. Since many seem to be interested and concerned, I am happy to report that I am in good shape, and can rise to the opportunities and challenges of our times, and I embrace each project with enthusiasm. I also spend a lot of my time on education and medical care initiatives. This is a passion that I will never grow tired of. In fact, I consider it a lifelong endeavor.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Hometown flood.

     I just know that Pahang(which is my hometown) is flood when studying newspaper online today. I'm so nervous when looking this situation and calling back to home immediately. Fortunately, that is not a big affect to my home. But, it becomes an obstructive factor to my father to work for the livelihood.  The most important is they are living safety now.

     Nevertheless, the water level of Temerloh Sungai Pahang rises rapidly from safety level skips to second warming level. It has been effected to the residents around there and also to the road users because the water level is covering the road. They were forced to leave from home and moved to evacuation center. The number of victims from just 45 people rise to 416 people over a night. The worst incident is a father with his son were missing and found that drowned, their body have been found and verified 2 days ago.

    Hopefully this rainy season can be early terminated to avoid of making more and more of the troubles to victims. Let us come pray together to those victims and hope them live in safety. 



     2 hari lepas, PTUKM telah menganjurkan event dinamai "Malam Persembahan Pentas " dan nama drama adalah "Jejak Hasrat". Persembahan drama pada malam itu cukup bermakna menunjukkan kepentingan mewariskan impian keluarga dari satu generasi ke generasi seterusnya. Tapi ia bukan poin utama bagi tema ini.

    Yang paling pentingnya, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penaja-penaja yang memberi sokongan dalam bentuk kewangan dan pemberian barang percuma kepada Pesta Tanglung UKM untuk menjayakan Persembahan malan pentas yang begitu meriah. Selain itu, Satu event tidak dapat dijayakan dengan sempurna tanpa penglibatan salah satu pihak seperti jurulatih lakonan, pelakon, dancer, penaja sistem PA, Exco serta para AJK. Di samping itu, para penonton turut memainkan peranan mereka dengan menghadirkan diri demi memberi sokongan kepada Pesta Tanglung UKM. Ribuan terima kasih kepada mereka yang hadir pada hari itu.
    Bersyukur kepada Pesta Tanglung UKM telah mengumpulkan kami semua dalam event ini. Event ini telah membina atmosphera kesatuan antara ahli keluarga kepada kami semua. Walaupun kita terpaksa memisahkan diri dengan keluarga untuk menyambungkan pelajaran di UKM, tetapi sini dapat memberi perasaan yang "warm and sweet" seperti yang diberikan oleh keluarga kita. Bersyukur kepada mereka yang mengukulkan organisasi PTUKM ini sehingga sekarang. PTUKM  telah merapatkan hubungan antara senior dengan junior dan juga hubungan antara junior dengan junior. Bersyukur kepada tuhan kerana membolehkan saya bertemu dengan warga UKM.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Technical Group's Tasks for upcoming Pesta Tanglung ke-34, Remain 3 days!

   Pesta Tanglung UKM is organizing an event named "Malam Persembahan Pentas Jejak Hasrat" in upcoming 6 December 2013 7.00pm at Dectar UKM! The name of the theme is "Reunion" or known as "圆聚" in chinese. 
    I am the one of the AJK at technical group and responsible to sound group. Hearsay that sound group holds the heaviest responsibility to ensure the flow of the whole drama story is smooth. That is not allowed to our group getting any mistakes during Malam Persembahan Pentas. Otherwise, any mistakes will just spoil the stage and destroy the atmosphere as well as get a negative impact to the audience. Besides, it will get any negative comments from outsiders about Pesta Tanglung ke-34. 

     Practice makes perfect. That is compulsory to me and other AJK, Excos, dancers and actors to attend the rehearsal on tomorrow and Thursday for getting 100% preparation in making a perfect performance  So, my partner and me must understand the whole story flow clearly. 

     The story is talking about how a family continues their business from a generation to a generation. They produced typified moon cake on 70th-80th centuries  and went bankrupt after facing an intense competition from other competitors in same industry. They were closing down their business due to the competitors used non-price competition such as packaging and advertisement to build a positive image to society. A beautiful and special packaging to sell moon cake and free artist's album to buyer are definitely an attractive approach of promotion to increase their selling amount and defeat their competitors. That's why the main character's family was compelled to close down their business. A few years later, main character had rebuilt their business and opened new branch throughout world. Eventually, main character continued his family business from generation to generation successfully. 

     The lesson of the story telling us that we shall continue our family's aspiration instead of  suspend their aspiration or wishes arbitrarily.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

SUKEM Basketball Competition

    Today is our UKM SUKEM Basketball Competition and I was represented KAB to fight with other colleges. We won 2 games and lost 1 game for our group(get A,B and C group, we were B group). First round result 19-22(lose), second round result 24-14(win), and third round won without competition(KIZ team absented and eliminated).

   So, We were getting into Suku 1 and versus with KPZ. Unfortunately, we lost in this game with the result 27-30.  Lose this game because we didn't get 3 point shooter and exhausted  a lot of energy. I can see all of our team members were tired. KPZ get one guy who are the 3 point shooter and their team members always pass to him for getting 3 marks,we couldn't stop him eventually. He was scoring for 15 marks something for his team. Sound amazing! CHOP, CHOP,CHOP!! each shooting 3 marks, We were going crazy at that time!

    Losing a game doesn't mean we will lose our spirit to play basketball. I will continue to enhance myself for the coming SUKEM next year! Never say to give up!


Thursday, 28 November 2013

Treating Your Peers And Friends Like Treating Your Family.

     In this real world society, that is less and less of your friends will treat you like treating his family. Normally, people will think for themselves first more than thinking for other people. Why? Most of them will just give the same answer which is "you haven't done your stuff and it will make your thing worst if you took care for other people first."

     We as UKM students are living in a peace and harmony place which is free from cruel and terrible real world. We are almost free from attacking by enemies, free from an intense competition for building your status and getting recognition from your peers, friends, families, or even society. That's why people who lives in “University of Society Malaysia(USM)" are such selfish. 

    But, to me, it is not only solution to stay in this real world. Another important thing is treating all like treating your family. How you treat people around you, people will treat you like your way. Sometimes, it will just make an opposite meaning to them. Treating them with paying your real heart. Take for example, an simple example of greeting like "Halo" and a simple of caring action like "Are you okay?" will convey the positive message to people around you. A simple action of caring will tell them that you are caring him. 

    Treating people in a good intention will getting a windfall. Yesterday, one of my Amin Senior was sick and he asked me to fetch him for the dinner by driving his car. I just help him without thinking over for a second because I know that a patient need people's help. His face turned pale when I saw him yesterday. I was worrying about him so that just bring him for dinner directly then proceed to 7-11 to buy some medicines for recovering. We were chatting while taking dinner at Al-Faris restaurant. He told me repeatedly that whatever you face you must learn to be strong and firm, do not say give up. If not you will lose a game. Straighten your shoulder as a first step to face with problem. Do the thing that you are reluctant to do, do thing best that you are willing to do. 

     What he said to me yesterday I have bear it in my mind. Even though it is like an advice, think it in different angle that is a good new to you that people are treating you with "Real Heart". So, please show to people around you that you are treating them like treating your families. At the same time, you will acquire some unexpected harvest even though it is just an advice. Think it positively, he actually is helping you to become a real man!

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Video shooting for Presentation


Yesterday, my group members and me hung out for APPLIKASI KOMPUTER video shooting at PTSL. We had done all thing for video shooting in one day. Thank you so much to my group members who pay cooperation in finishing our group tasks. WE DID WELL!!

We did many time of retake process but feel very funny when acting, HAHA~
We just spend about 4 hours for the whole process in shooting and video editing. WELL DONE!
We deserve it! Hope lecturer will not ban our video outcome. PRAY~~~
They are my group members.Jennifer(left), Syuhada, Rozaimah(right)
They look so fierce =.=''
 See!! Terrorists are hitting me, bully case!
Crying T.T
 NG part =.=''
Actually, they are very tender, haha~>.<~

Lab Test 1


3 days ago, I was sitting for Lab Test 1. During that day, that was something happen to me during opening the question through Microsoft Word. It makes me panic, feeling hopeless. But, my course mate who sat beside me was helping me in good intention by copying the question that she downloaded to me.

Would you feel touched when you are facing something with hopeless, but suddenly appearing a person who are willing to help you? Thank you so much to this person who helps me in good intention! In this real world, most of people are selfish which mean they just care for themselves to avoid "attacked" by other competitors.

I was shocked for a second when opening the question because it looks so hard to me in first impression. But, the question that lecturer tested us was the question that he ever taught us, just modify a bit only. I believe that if you guys really focus on the class and master every function for sure you will know how to answer this question.Teaching and learning process then lab test is good for us to confirm ourselves' ability to master.

Finally, I done my lab test 1 smoothly on 3 hours. Thank to our lecturer teaching us in using this basic but important thing!

Thursday, 21 November 2013


    Marriage is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity. When defined broadly, marriage is considered a cultural universal. A broad definition of marriage includes those that are monogamous, polygamous, same-sex and temporary.

     Civil marriage is a marriage without religious content carried out by a government institution in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction, and recognised as creating the rights and obligations intrinsic to matrimony.

Same-sex marriage (also known as gay marriage) is marriage between two persons of the same biological sex and/or gender identity recognition by country's legal. The first laws in modern times enabling same-sex marriage were enacted during the first decade of the 21st century. As of 19 August 2013, fifteen countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Uruguay) and several sub-national jurisdictions (parts of Mexico and the United States) allow same-sex couples to marry. A law has been passed by the United Kingdom, effective in England and Wales, which is expected to be fully in force in 2014.

     Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other. It was the norm worldwide until the 18th century. In modern times, arranged marriage has continued in royal, aristocratic families and ethnic minority groups in developed countries; elsewhere, arranged marriage is common in South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, Southeast Asia and parts of East Asia.
On my view, there are several reasons to a couple for divorce as the explanation below:

  1. Marrying too young
     Some of young people marry for achieve their sexual need, either marry with immature mentality. Some of the young people think that marry is an easy way to get lifelong for each other without considering about what problem may be emerged in their future journey.
  2. Too much arguing
    Sometime, Argument is a good way for a couple to listen their different thinking. In contradictory, too much argue between husband and wife may just lead to negative effect that they couldn't accept mind thinking each other. The worst, divorce may happen.
  3.  Unrealistic Expectation
    - Sometime, either husband or wife may expect highly for his/her partner which something actually they wouldn't do so. Feeling disappointed and desperate lead to the final result which is divorce.

"Marriage has become a negative term in this culture and society," wrote Elisha McGonagle.  "We no longer look at marriage with anticipation, but with fear. Fear drives so many people in this country. People are scared that if they get married then there is the possibility of getting divorced.

Is it marriage guarantee a lifelong relationship?

"No, marriage does not guarantee a lifelong relationship, but neither does any relationship ... And only marriage was designed to be a lifelong relationship. The only reason it is not is because we have made it that way. We too often look for any easy way out. If we feel unhappy, then just leave. If you feel unfulfilled, then leave. If your husband makes you mad, you can just leave."

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Participating "Semenyih Xin Ming Primary School Carnival"

    I was participating the "Semenyih Xin Ming Primary School Carnival" represented PT UKM as AJK of tehnical group in aiding and facilitating the flow of this carnival on 17th November 2013. Wake up at 5.30a.m. and proceed to Semenyih around 6.00a.m. I felt excited because this is my first time represented PT UKM to participate the carnival.

    After reached there, I was ordered to set the stage for the open ceremony.Carry the piano to the stage and find the extension wire. Then, take our breakfast(Nasi Lemak) to recharge our energy.
     The most interesting thing during that day is we are represented PT UKM to monitor designated stall to make sure that all transactions are processed with coupon and prevent the cash transaction occur as well as prevent the fraud during the transaction. Sometime, business man will intentionally to rise the price which is unethical action for earning more of the revenue in this carnival. That day, one of the stall was discovered that the business man rise the price without any announcement to the committee and at the same time the stall is not monitored by anyone because one of our AJK absent and didn't inform to his EXCO. That's why we are such important to promise that the smoothness of the flow. At 9.00a.m, the hall was fulled with the audience and customer. Beside that, I were helping the business man to sell their foods and beverages by promoting their delicious foods and beverages.
     About 2.30p.m, business man sold out their foods and beverages. We were ordered to count the amount of the coupons that they had collected to determine how many revenue should they earn in this carnival. Some part of the money that business man had earned will be donated to the school for the renovation and establishment of the basic equipment purpose. After the carnival ended, we were aiding to fix up and set back the thing to the original place.

     About 5.30p.m., we were returning to UKM. An unforgettable experience has bear in my mind. It represents that I am growing up now.

Here are the guys from FEP, Haha~

This is my Amin friends ^.^

Honesty in Relationship

Honesty can be defined as truthfulness, sincerity, frankness or freedom from deceit or fraud. Honesty are probably one of the key in a successful relationship. Trying to maintain these can be an everlasting battle, with both you and your partner needing to work hard to maintain them on both sides. There are some essential guidelines that any person or couple can follow to keep up the levels of trust and honesty required for both people in a relationship to be happy and sure they want to carry on in that relationship. 

Promoting trust is essential in building a strong, healthy relationship between two people. Love may have been the key to starting the bond, but being trustworthy, and completely trusting your partner will be one of the things that make it last. If you want your partner to trust you, you must display honesty and integrity from the start and maintain it throughout the course of the relationship.

So, here are the some ways what we should do being honesty in maintaining a good relationship among your partner, family, even your friends:

1. Avoiding in keeping secret which may affect the relationship

Keeping secret is a good attitude as respecting each other in a circle of buddies. In home, we should to be sincere to our family members in bonding the family's unity. However, keeping family's secret is vital to build up and maintain reputation of family in contradictory. Apart from this, how about if we keep small secret from our partners? Like lying, keeping small secrets gets you in the habit of hiding things from your partner and it is an easy lead in to lies on a larger scale.  Somehow this situation may lead to a breaking down of the trust in that relationship. Eventually, breaking up may happen if keeping the secret.

2.Avoiding suspicious minds

There is such a thing as being too suspicious, which can lead to your partner, friends or family rallying against your position and actually doing the thing you suspect of them.It is a fine line between watching out for signs of lying, and completely mistrusting everything someone does, to the point at which you are virtually hunting for some incriminating evidence. If someone thinks his partner isn’t going to believe him no matter what he says or does, he may start thinking, “I might just as well be having an affair, as she suspects me of it anyway”. That might seem far-fetched, but suspicion can quite easily develop into a weapon that breaks up a relationship.

3.Revealing your past

How honest and open should you be about your past? I would say completely, but only in small stages. Be careful not to compare anyone from the past to your present partner. Instead wean these into conversation and your new partner’s knowledge slowly but surely, and at the appropriate time. No one wants to know that an ex did something better than he does, so that type of honesty, which can only hurt someone, should be avoided.  In a circle of buddies, revealing your past could build up the trust because people will feel that you are sincere to them. 

In my conclusion, being honesty is a personal virtues. Being honesty is the only way to make people trusts on you. How you treat people around you, people around you will treat you like the way you are.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

What a bad day

An unfortunate day was happened last night. My SanDisk Ultra 32GB SD card was broken! Goods price at RM100++. But this is not a point, the worst thing is all of my photo and video was disappeared. I didn't make a back up for myself, so sad! Most of my histories were recorded inside this memory card, it could make me recall back all of the interested things that I had experienced before. What can you imagine that a 32GB memory card inside? It fulls of the Joys and sorrows.
Because of this incident make me feel the world in "black and white".
The memories from a child, then studied at primary school, secondary school, Form 6....I am losing my memory.
I am going crazy now. Trying hard to find back all the photos and videos! What a emotional day! 

Teamwork Spirit

Teamwork spirit can be defined as the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed. For me, teamwork spirit is vital because every results of a discussion are formed by a group even though we will face the problem like conflict and quarrel during the discussion. Similarly, As a member of basketball team, every members are not allowed to think for himself or herself during training or competition but think for a team.

The inspiration of this topic sudden "pop-up" from me because I found that most of people always think for themselves included me but depend on the situation I have faced. As a member of a basketball team, we have responsibilities to achieve the highest reward for our team even though one of other side team will be a loser. A member's responsibilities are always to think for other, active and enjoying during training or competition, keeping to think positively for driving a positive trend even if we will be a loser for this game. If a basketball team didn't possess with "teamwork", the worst result will come out. Not only lose a game, the worst thing is we will lose a team due to the conflict.

In my opinion, everyone should have at least a partner in helping us to achieve goals. Regardless of what problem we face, We will never give up easily as long as we still have a team willing to help and guide us. Thus, teamwork spirit should be practiced for everyone in solving the problem or accomplishing something.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Attending Graduation Ceremony

I was attending Konvokesyen for my FEP seniors.
I felt excited and happy to see them successful in finishing their further education in this 3 years or 4 years at UKM.
While I didn't know them so much, what can I say is they will be my role models to be a successful and capability person in achieving my personal goals in UKM and for my future.

  Aminese FEP seniors with me!^.^

 Aminese FEP seniors with me!^.^


Responsibility means a duty or task you should to complete it in moral view.
But, for me, that are many type of responsibilities which are responsible to our family, responsible to our friend, responsible to our team members, responsible to our lecturers, and responsible to ourselves as well.

As a son or daughter to our parent, our responsibility is being filial piety to them like listening what advice they give us through their experiences, do not betray our parent like cheating them or even fighting with them, relieve parent's household chores, taking care of the sibling each other. If you could complete these tasks, your parent perhaps considered you as filial piety.

Besides, we must always responsible to our friends too. How does it work?
Actually, our responsibilities to friends is "simple to say but hard to work".
But, the most important matter is we must give the trust and confidence to our friends and hide their privacy as respecting to them.
Whenever and wherever they are facing problem, as a friends indeed we should help them to solve the problem they are facing.

Another one of the responsibility is responsible to our team members.
As a member of a team, we should give commitment to other team members and put effort in achieving our goals. Furthermore, as a leader of a team we must always protect and look after them from being injured during activities. Thus, their welfare can be preserved.

Apart from this, what is our responsibilities to our lecturers?
The tasks is easy, which are listening the tutorial during the class and do not sleep at class, submit the assignments before deadline and do not make lecturer angry. We must ensure that lecturers happy and enjoy during giving tutorial by completing the tasks above.

Last but not least, what is the responsibilities to ourselves?
First, we must love ourselves more than loving other.
Second, treating yourself well before treating well to other.
Third, set a goal to yourself and try to achieve it in the future.
Fourth, do not waste your time because our lifetime is limited and not long lasting.

In my conclusion, do not blame other or always point the finger to other if you intend to be a successful person. Blame yourself first before blaming to other because it is also a responsibility to you to blame yourself first. This is called Self-review.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Importance of Electricity.

Without doubt, how can we live without electricity in this IT world? Since 20th century, All of the electric equipments, most of the facilities and transportation cannot be operated without electricity. How can these things be operated without electricity? 

I believe that all of the UKM students were experiencing sudden blackout issue recently. What is your feeling when blackout happened? Feeling anxious? Not happy? Angry? For sure, most of us will give such response during blackout. People started to worry about phone or laptop charging problem, light problem, hot problem due to fan cannot be operated normally without electricity, security system being disrupted and so on. Therefore, our daily life will be fully affected without electric supply.

How severe in the aspect of communication and entertainment  if no electric supply? Take telegraphs and telephones for examples, both of them are commonplace today and they need electricity to operate. With these devices, we can talk to our friends and family at a great distance or wee can even fax to every corner of the world within no time. Besides, the advent of the electricity has been developed a huge social media which is familiar and close with human nowadays. Take for instance, Facebook, Skype, Twitter are the example of the social media which has contributed a lot in developing a borderless world. Social media has increased the understanding among ethnics around the world. Apart from this, students could also do group discussion without going somewhere by creating a group or adding friends into a conversation group. So, students could save their cost because they are need not to spend their money in transportation and fuel costs. 

On other perspective, How it influences in water supply if no electric supply? Water pressure is low especially for those who stay at higher ground. So how does water supply can send to those who stay at higher ground? One of the method is using the water pump with electricity to send the water to the higher ground. Thus, in this case we can assume or confirm that how is the importance of electricity in our daily life to get sufficient water. No electricity will disrupt our daily life especially in this era of technological world. 

In conclusion, what can you do without electricity? Living hard and miserable. Cherish what you own now.. Do not waste in using electricity. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Gathering with Lao Peng You(Old friends)

That is less and less of chance to let me gather with old friends since we graduated from secondary school. Miss the time when we hang out together.
13/10/2013--> The day my old friends all back from Singapore , two of them finished their Diploma at Nilai University College and hang out with us on this day, and some hang out with us after getting off work at my hometown. We hung out about 9.00p.m. at "Little Forest Restaurant". Gossip untill 12.30a.m.
What a memorable day! We tried to recall back what unforgettable funny matter which happened during our secondary school period.
One of the unforgettable funny matter in form 4  is playing truant in order to escape from "hair cutting" by police who invited by school. LOUD OF LAUGH!! HAHAHAHAHA~
Yearning the moment that we hang out together but this will not happen again.
This is the first time, and also the last time to do like that.

Relationship Before Marriage

What do you all think about relationship before marriage? In my view, relationship before marriage for a couple should live together for further understanding between each other.

Living together is an easy way for a couple to "try out" the relationship before committing marriage. In this cruel reality of social, some of the people get marriage due to "money". Money could make a people to pretend themselves when living together with his/her partner in short term. But, a person "true colors" will be revealed slowly through time when living together in long term case. Living together could test a person whether he/she really love you or just love your money more than you. Therefore, you will not regret to marry with your partner after trying out your other side so that the amount of divorce cases could be decreased.

Apart from this,  living together before marriage could make a couple more understand his/her lifestyle and custom so that they can adapt each other lifestyle and custom. Take for instance, your other side has the habit of molar during sleeping so how can you accept and resolve this situation? Somebody due to his/her other side get such of the habit then decide divorce. So, you may know how is your partner's lifestyle clearly when living together. Thus, Adapting and accepting your partner's lifestyle before marriage is one of the way to get into a happy life.

Last but not least, living together before marriage could prevent conflict after getting married. A couple frequently disputes for some reason such as disagreement producing a lot of the negative impact which may influence their relationship easily after getting married if they didn't practice living together before marriage. Living together before marriage could let them know how to prevent conflict after getting married because they may experience same cases before and know how to handle this conflict. Thus, Living together before marriage for a couple is crucial to prevent a lot of unnecessary conflict which just affect their relationship.

In a nutshell, in my opinion relationship before marriage for a couple should live together for further understanding between each other in order to get into a happy life in their future.