Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Gathering with Lao Peng You(Old friends)

That is less and less of chance to let me gather with old friends since we graduated from secondary school. Miss the time when we hang out together.
13/10/2013--> The day my old friends all back from Singapore , two of them finished their Diploma at Nilai University College and hang out with us on this day, and some hang out with us after getting off work at my hometown. We hung out about 9.00p.m. at "Little Forest Restaurant". Gossip untill 12.30a.m.
What a memorable day! We tried to recall back what unforgettable funny matter which happened during our secondary school period.
One of the unforgettable funny matter in form 4  is playing truant in order to escape from "hair cutting" by police who invited by school. LOUD OF LAUGH!! HAHAHAHAHA~
Yearning the moment that we hang out together but this will not happen again.
This is the first time, and also the last time to do like that.

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