Wednesday 2 October 2013

Intro Night 30 SEPTEMBER 2013

This is my first time to take part in organizing event in university, feeling happy and excited!
Thanks to New Tune preparing this small platform to me for taking part in organizing Intro Night.
And, Thank you very much to Chong Yee promotes me as Program Exco in New Tune although I have no sufficient experiences and leadership.
I am also a Transport and Setting Director in this Intro Night in leading AJK to make sure arrangement of the sit place enough and comfortable to audiences but I am under guided by senior.
Learn a lot in this event, thanks to seniors!
Before joining New Tune, I were blur at all. I didn't know what should I do as a Program Exco in New Tune and as a Transport and Setting Director in this Intro Night as well.
The most important job scope for my team is preparing meals to all exco and AJK, haha!
Allocate foods to them makes me feel how important I am. Wakaka~>.<~

 Transport and Setting's AJK with me.
 AJK with Seniors and Program Director.
 Thanks to my Transport and Setting Senior and Program Director, Love you all!!
 How smart I am. wakaka~
 take photo with informal emcee.
 My FEP seniors, wakaka~all pretty^^
 My handsome Intro Night Pengerusi.

 Leng Lui with Leng Zai.haha~

 My lovely FEP senior, a real man.

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