Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Attending Graduation Ceremony

I was attending Konvokesyen for my FEP seniors.
I felt excited and happy to see them successful in finishing their further education in this 3 years or 4 years at UKM.
While I didn't know them so much, what can I say is they will be my role models to be a successful and capability person in achieving my personal goals in UKM and for my future.

  Aminese FEP seniors with me!^.^

 Aminese FEP seniors with me!^.^


Responsibility means a duty or task you should to complete it in moral view.
But, for me, that are many type of responsibilities which are responsible to our family, responsible to our friend, responsible to our team members, responsible to our lecturers, and responsible to ourselves as well.

As a son or daughter to our parent, our responsibility is being filial piety to them like listening what advice they give us through their experiences, do not betray our parent like cheating them or even fighting with them, relieve parent's household chores, taking care of the sibling each other. If you could complete these tasks, your parent perhaps considered you as filial piety.

Besides, we must always responsible to our friends too. How does it work?
Actually, our responsibilities to friends is "simple to say but hard to work".
But, the most important matter is we must give the trust and confidence to our friends and hide their privacy as respecting to them.
Whenever and wherever they are facing problem, as a friends indeed we should help them to solve the problem they are facing.

Another one of the responsibility is responsible to our team members.
As a member of a team, we should give commitment to other team members and put effort in achieving our goals. Furthermore, as a leader of a team we must always protect and look after them from being injured during activities. Thus, their welfare can be preserved.

Apart from this, what is our responsibilities to our lecturers?
The tasks is easy, which are listening the tutorial during the class and do not sleep at class, submit the assignments before deadline and do not make lecturer angry. We must ensure that lecturers happy and enjoy during giving tutorial by completing the tasks above.

Last but not least, what is the responsibilities to ourselves?
First, we must love ourselves more than loving other.
Second, treating yourself well before treating well to other.
Third, set a goal to yourself and try to achieve it in the future.
Fourth, do not waste your time because our lifetime is limited and not long lasting.

In my conclusion, do not blame other or always point the finger to other if you intend to be a successful person. Blame yourself first before blaming to other because it is also a responsibility to you to blame yourself first. This is called Self-review.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Importance of Electricity.

Without doubt, how can we live without electricity in this IT world? Since 20th century, All of the electric equipments, most of the facilities and transportation cannot be operated without electricity. How can these things be operated without electricity? 

I believe that all of the UKM students were experiencing sudden blackout issue recently. What is your feeling when blackout happened? Feeling anxious? Not happy? Angry? For sure, most of us will give such response during blackout. People started to worry about phone or laptop charging problem, light problem, hot problem due to fan cannot be operated normally without electricity, security system being disrupted and so on. Therefore, our daily life will be fully affected without electric supply.

How severe in the aspect of communication and entertainment  if no electric supply? Take telegraphs and telephones for examples, both of them are commonplace today and they need electricity to operate. With these devices, we can talk to our friends and family at a great distance or wee can even fax to every corner of the world within no time. Besides, the advent of the electricity has been developed a huge social media which is familiar and close with human nowadays. Take for instance, Facebook, Skype, Twitter are the example of the social media which has contributed a lot in developing a borderless world. Social media has increased the understanding among ethnics around the world. Apart from this, students could also do group discussion without going somewhere by creating a group or adding friends into a conversation group. So, students could save their cost because they are need not to spend their money in transportation and fuel costs. 

On other perspective, How it influences in water supply if no electric supply? Water pressure is low especially for those who stay at higher ground. So how does water supply can send to those who stay at higher ground? One of the method is using the water pump with electricity to send the water to the higher ground. Thus, in this case we can assume or confirm that how is the importance of electricity in our daily life to get sufficient water. No electricity will disrupt our daily life especially in this era of technological world. 

In conclusion, what can you do without electricity? Living hard and miserable. Cherish what you own now.. Do not waste in using electricity. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Gathering with Lao Peng You(Old friends)

That is less and less of chance to let me gather with old friends since we graduated from secondary school. Miss the time when we hang out together.
13/10/2013--> The day my old friends all back from Singapore , two of them finished their Diploma at Nilai University College and hang out with us on this day, and some hang out with us after getting off work at my hometown. We hung out about 9.00p.m. at "Little Forest Restaurant". Gossip untill 12.30a.m.
What a memorable day! We tried to recall back what unforgettable funny matter which happened during our secondary school period.
One of the unforgettable funny matter in form 4  is playing truant in order to escape from "hair cutting" by police who invited by school. LOUD OF LAUGH!! HAHAHAHAHA~
Yearning the moment that we hang out together but this will not happen again.
This is the first time, and also the last time to do like that.

Relationship Before Marriage

What do you all think about relationship before marriage? In my view, relationship before marriage for a couple should live together for further understanding between each other.

Living together is an easy way for a couple to "try out" the relationship before committing marriage. In this cruel reality of social, some of the people get marriage due to "money". Money could make a people to pretend themselves when living together with his/her partner in short term. But, a person "true colors" will be revealed slowly through time when living together in long term case. Living together could test a person whether he/she really love you or just love your money more than you. Therefore, you will not regret to marry with your partner after trying out your other side so that the amount of divorce cases could be decreased.

Apart from this,  living together before marriage could make a couple more understand his/her lifestyle and custom so that they can adapt each other lifestyle and custom. Take for instance, your other side has the habit of molar during sleeping so how can you accept and resolve this situation? Somebody due to his/her other side get such of the habit then decide divorce. So, you may know how is your partner's lifestyle clearly when living together. Thus, Adapting and accepting your partner's lifestyle before marriage is one of the way to get into a happy life.

Last but not least, living together before marriage could prevent conflict after getting married. A couple frequently disputes for some reason such as disagreement producing a lot of the negative impact which may influence their relationship easily after getting married if they didn't practice living together before marriage. Living together before marriage could let them know how to prevent conflict after getting married because they may experience same cases before and know how to handle this conflict. Thus, Living together before marriage for a couple is crucial to prevent a lot of unnecessary conflict which just affect their relationship.

In a nutshell, in my opinion relationship before marriage for a couple should live together for further understanding between each other in order to get into a happy life in their future.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

7 minggu di UKM

Everything in my life has been changed since entering UKM. Less of time for watching drama or movie, less a lot of time for playing basketball, less of time for rest, less of time for listening favorite music, less of time for gossip with friends, less and less and less....

My life is on the process of changing. Sometime I intend to complaint with someone else to express how was my feeling on the process of changing my life style. Sometime I will depressed because I could not handle or overcome the process of life changing. Somehow wanna to give up for changing. But, this is not the only way to me for solving this problem.

The story of "My Seven Weeks Staying In UKM" is not like a piece of cake. Beginning with pessimistic story is a wrong sketch to determine my future life. How is it being changed by? We are not live "a man in an island". In this seven weeks staying in UKM, there are a lot of seniors are willing to help us solve the problem. I'm the one of the person trying to complaint how was my feeling during entering UKM. Sometime I cried because that is no ones willing listening to me for the complaints. Everything put inside my heart caused I depressed.

First week we entered the UKM, MEP or JAKSA was organizing Majlis Mesra Pelajar to us for the orientation. They were giving us a lot of aid for adapting us in this university. Thank you very much to MEP that willing to help us as Juniors. The most unforgettable memory during this MMP week is we learn a lot of CHEERS to fight with other colleges. This is something like politic action but for me this is another way to get close with other college. And the most important matter during this week is, I can know a lot of friends come from my college and other colleges!

For second week, we started to choose the course we are going to stay with , at the same time lecturers started to giving us speech at class! I couldn't understand some lecturers talking about during tutorial! Blurred at all!!!

For third week, I joined New Tune as Program Exco. I was blurred during taking part in organizing IntroNight. Even thought, there are many seniors willing to explain what I'm going to do as Program Exco and share their experiences to me as another way to improve self-development. I'm so glad that to know all of the New Tune Excos as well. They make me feel warm like a family.

From fourth to seventh week, process of joining activities, meeting with course mates, juniors and seniors, going outside to relax, and the last is BALIK RUMAH during HARI HAJI. Miss my family so much T.T 

From a student who strange with UKM until a student who is getting know more about UKM. A month is enough to me to get close with UKM. 

                    I like this place,
                              I like this small-scale of society. 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Media Sosial- Kebaikan dan Keburukan

Social media is a kind of communication's tool which makes the connection with one another.This is unbelievable that people doesn't know what is Facebook, Myspace and Twitter which are the tools of communication with each other without border. People able to conversation with local citizens even foreigner. Nowadays, the revolution of social media contributes a lot in various field.

Without doubt, social media has improved our human relationship regardless of different races, different cultures, different languages, different living styles and different countries as well. For instance, social media such as Facebook is a place where we can share our cultures by posting some details with the pictures to tell more about it on the way of getting know by people in the world. We also may learn the different languages through Facebook. Trying to use other languages to communicate with foreigner may improve the relationship even to build up a good diplomatic relationship. Trying to know foreigner through Facebook may also improve our general knowledge by earning the extra information that we will not learn in school. They share their famous foods in their country through Facebook or Twitter may attract other people to visit their country for trying these delicious foods. Social Media may also help in improving the relationship among friends through chatting or video chat. People can chat with their parent, friends or peers easily through Facebook even if far away with them.Chatting face-to-face through webcam with staying at home for sure save the time without going out to find them.Apart from this, We could also to create a discussion group to discuss the assignment that we are going to complete through Facebook. Discussion in a group without going out could avoid any inconvenience caused such as transportation problem. 

But, the revolution of the social media definitely bring negative impacts to our society. Some people tries to destroy other people's reputation by making propaganda. Some even more try to embezzle identity of other people for certain purposes.Social media changes our life style that people always keep their phone on hand wherever they go. Communication through Facebook makes less communication when they hang out together. This issue could be aware when they go out for a tea. Most of them always keep their phone on hand to update themselves in Facebook, Twitter or Myspace during they hang out together.
Thus, the revolution of social media on contrary will cause people less communication through day by day.

In my conclusion, people must appropriate to use social media instead of extremely depend on it.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Intro Night 30 SEPTEMBER 2013

This is my first time to take part in organizing event in university, feeling happy and excited!
Thanks to New Tune preparing this small platform to me for taking part in organizing Intro Night.
And, Thank you very much to Chong Yee promotes me as Program Exco in New Tune although I have no sufficient experiences and leadership.
I am also a Transport and Setting Director in this Intro Night in leading AJK to make sure arrangement of the sit place enough and comfortable to audiences but I am under guided by senior.
Learn a lot in this event, thanks to seniors!
Before joining New Tune, I were blur at all. I didn't know what should I do as a Program Exco in New Tune and as a Transport and Setting Director in this Intro Night as well.
The most important job scope for my team is preparing meals to all exco and AJK, haha!
Allocate foods to them makes me feel how important I am. Wakaka~>.<~

 Transport and Setting's AJK with me.
 AJK with Seniors and Program Director.
 Thanks to my Transport and Setting Senior and Program Director, Love you all!!
 How smart I am. wakaka~
 take photo with informal emcee.
 My FEP seniors, wakaka~all pretty^^
 My handsome Intro Night Pengerusi.

 Leng Lui with Leng Zai.haha~

 My lovely FEP senior, a real man.