Thursday 26 September 2013

About Me


This is my first time to create a blog.
First of all, thank you very much to my lecturer encouraged and forced us creating a blog. HAHA~^^~

My name is Kar Joo, you may call me John or Tan because it will feel more familiar and close with me when someone calls me like that. I'm from Kerayong/Bera, Pahang and pursuing Bachelor of Business Administration, but intend to take Bachelor of Accounting in coming year.

I believe that every one of you has a changing in your life. For me, my big changing is from a "problem student" at secondary school to a excellent and outstanding student as a good examples to other juniors.I dared not to recognize myself when I did such changing before. Being accepted and recognized slowly, I have built and improved the confidence. Nevertheless, I'm the person who always doubt about my ability and capability. Self-discrimination and self-doubt are the constant thing and unchangeable. I don't know why I always look down myself.

However, Playing Basketball and Badminton as well as Singing is my favorite habit. "They" are my tools when I suffer from stress. Stress could kill my life! Once, I did a stupid and silly matter which is self-mutilation.Uncontrolled emotional made me do such stupid thing which regarding to LOVE. I ridicule myself why I did such idiot incident before. She was not the only girl in the world. But, I didn't think it so. And now, everything is gone, accepting the truth and looking for another "partner" is what I should to do.

I think that's all for today. EXPECTING A WONDERFUL DAY!

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